By agreeing to our Terms of Use, you are agreeing to the following:

There will be no refunds given for Don't Sweat It once the course is purchased.

Don't Sweat It discusses weight loss and gives general nutrition advice. You do not have an eating disorder or any other physical or emotional medical condition that this course may be contraindicated for. It is your responsibility to make this determination.

You understand that any nutrition or health information given in Don't Sweat It does not constitute or in any way replace personalized medical or nutrition advice. 

You understand that enrollment in Don't Sweat It is not the equivalent to being a client of Abby Langer or Abby Langer Nutrition.

You agree to the limitations imposed by law on giving specific and personalized health and nutrition advice to individuals who are not direct clients of Abby Langer Nutrition.

You agree that you will not share your log-in or password information with anyone who is not enrolled in this course. If we find that you have done this, you and that person/people will be removed immediately from the course.